

香港のAcoで私が買った本のひとつが、Lin Zhipengこと223の写真集『My Private Broadway』。これが北京発の写真集だと聞いて驚いた。ごく普通の若者のごく普通の日常生活が、それは性的なシーンも含めて、リアルに写真に表現されている。なんら隠し事のない、なんら偽りのない、素晴らしく正直でまっすぐな写真集。彼の写真は見るほどに魅力的で、取り憑かれていく。メールで223にインタビューをお願いすると、快くOKの返事をしてくれた。そして彼の写真もここに転載させていただく。今は北京は雪が降っているのだろうか。私は彼とメールで連絡を取り合ってから、北京という場所にまた特別な想いを抱くようになった。あなたがイメージする北京、そして223が見せる北京の若者たち。あなたはいったい何を感じるだろうか?


I got “My Private Broadway” by Lin Zhipeng a.k.a. 223 at Aco book shop in Hong Kong. I was surprised because the seller had said it has published from Beijing. The photographs show us real days of youths and it includes their sex life. There is no secret. It expresses true life of them. The more I see his photographs, the more I’m absorbed in his world. I sent e-mail to ask interview with him. Then it was gladly accepted by him. I put his some photographs on here. It might be snowy in Beijing now. Beijing is special place in my heart after seeing his photographs and talking with him on email.Your image of Beijing. Your impression of youths in Beijing. How do you feel from these?

*All of photographs on this article were taken by Lin Zhipeng a.k.a. 223
If you want to see 223’s photographs more, please visit his website. You can see his portfolio.
*この記事内のすべての写真はLin Zhipeng こと 223による撮影です。







──When did you start to shoot photographs? Did you study photography at any art school?


Around Summer in 2004. I also took some photos before it but I began took many pictures from 2004.
I didn’t learn any photography or art major in School. My major is financial English.







──How & When did you start to shoot photographs on fashion magazines?


I don’t remember the exact date. I work as a editor in chief for magazines for 7 years so I shoot photos for fashion magazines frequently.
But actually I seldom shoot for fashion magazine. Only some independent or non-commercial fashion magazines.





私はインスタマティック、NIKON 35Tiや、Yashika T4を使用しています。スナップ撮影ではフィルムカメラが好きですね。個人の作品には、一切デジタルカメラを使用していないんです。


──What kind of camera do you use? your photographs are sometimes vivid, sometimes dark, and sometimes brightly.


I use instamatic with film. For example, Nikon 35Ti, Yashika T4. I like film camera for snap shot. I never use digital camera for my personal works.









──about your portfolio on your website. Your photographs make a strong impression. Almost of them are erotic, beautiful and real.
I think your photographs are expressing the ordinary days of youths faithfully.
This is the reason that I prefer your photographs.
Why did you start to shoot erotic scene? Please tell me your concepts and philosophy on your photographs.


Actually I didn’t shoot erotic scene deliberately. I want to express my growing-up scene also include my friends’ around me.
Most of it about youth and sex. I think sex is very ordinary and important in youth life. I just use an ordinary sense to see the sex in youth life. It’s similar with eating, walking, singing, sleeping, etc. For me, it’s not a mysterious thing.







──as you know, someone doesn’t like to express erotic art. some of Japanese also think that eroticism is taboo. Of course, the government hate that people create any arts with free mind. Especially it wants to exclude eroticism.
Is it hard to make art with erotic sense in Beijing?


I don’t think it’s hard to make art with erotic sense in Beijing. We have many many ways to express erotic instead of harlot and rough erotic.
It’s quite open for art scene in Beijing. But it is also forbidden if you show some over naked and nude photos in public area. In some art gallery, you can do that.








──The models’ behaviors are natural. I guess that it’s very close between you and those models. Were the models posing for your photo with their original thinking? or were you directing to them?


Almost all models are my friends. I seldom shoot professional models for my personal works. (But I did it for fashion brand or magazine)
In my works, the models posing with their thought also with my direction. If in my direction, usually I like to tell them some stories to performance. Like a movie performance and then I snap their posing during their moving.



──実は、私は香港であなたの写真集『My Private Broadway』を買いました。私は本当にそれを見て驚いたんです。223の写真は美しく、自由な表現がある。あれは自主出版ですよね?北京ではZINEや自主出版はポピュラーですか?




──Actually I bought your photo book “My Private Broadway” in Hong Kong.
I was very surprised to see it. Photographs are beautiful, with free description. It has been released as self publishing.Is it popular to make ZINE or self publishing in Beijing?


Many thanks for buying my photo book! It’s my pleasure.
It’s not very popular to make zines and self publishing in Beijing. But some of my friends are making them. It doesn’t like Japan or European countries, in China, publishing is very strict. Actually ,it’s forbidden for self publishing without official or registered publishers. But most self published zines or photo books are low quantity, so that it will be quite safe.







──Do you have a plan to publish new photo book? or holding exhibition?


I am making a new zine, it’s different with my photobook before. It’s a independent zine. I wanna make it as a seasonal or biannual zine. And also all pix are took by me. But every issue with a topic so that I will edit from my all photos.


Lin Zhipeng (林志鹏), aka 223 – PROFILE –

写真家。キュレーター。フリーライター。北京在住。中国で販売される『Vice』『S magazine』『Glass』『City Pictorial』などの生活誌やファッション誌、また『United Nude』『eno』『Converse』『Glaceau Vitamin Water』などのブランド・メーカーにて、撮影・フォトプロデューサーとして携わる。また、『SANSAR』や『SCENE』『Xanthium』などのヴィデオ作品も手がける。2007年、インディペンデントファッション誌のプロジェクト『TOO』を手がけ、2006年と2010年には自主出版となる自身の写真集『My Private Broadway』を3タイトル出版。キュレーターとしても『TOO SHOT! Fashion×Photography in Get It Louder』や『Eco-matter』『ARRTCO in Beijing and vision music show Time』『Dust』『Hormone(at Mao Live House in Beijing)』など多くの展覧会に携わる。

Lin Zhipeng is a photographer, curator and freelance writer based in Beijing.
He has contributed to numerous popular lifestyle and fashion magazines in China as editor and writer and has produced photo shoots for magazines such as Vice, S magazine, Glass, City Pictorial, iLOOK etc and brands such as United Nude, eno, Converse, Glaceau Vitamin Water, etc. He also produced video works such as SANSAR, SCENE, Xanthium, etc. In 2007 he published the independent fashion magazine project TOO and in 2005, 2006 and 2010 self-published three volumes of photography entitled My Private Broadway. His curatorial work includes the exhibitions TOO SHOT! Fashion×Photography in Get It Louder, Eco-matter,(2008) at ARRTCO in Beijing and vision music show Time, Dust, Hormone (2009) at Mao Live House in Beijing.